Some say that you need to be level 20, others say that you need to trigger an event. There’re a number of theories attached to finding the Alien Blaster. And then I want to slow-mo shoot it in the face and loot the tech off of its corpse. I want to believe that alien life exists, just like Fox Mulder did. And one particular piece of tech, comes from the skies above. There’s dozens of fantastic weapons waiting to be discovered in Bethesda’s latest game, provided that you’re lucky enough to stumble onto an event or two. Secrets that can unlock a few treasure troves of goods, which your infinite pockets are aching for. The labels will have no bearing on the game console's ability to execute the bat command, they are added for reference.Fallout 4 is a game of dogs, robots and secrets. The number of rounds generated is found in the 3rd column, just after the item code. From there, you can easily grab the precise number of rounds appropriate for your weapons and carry capacity.Īlternatively, if you don't mind a little extra effort you can always write another bat file, give it another title other than ammo and reduce the quantity or keep a specific selection. Stand next to an empty container, so you can transfer the ammo without having to move. Over encumbrance of this magnitude with Immersion/Overhaul mods like Agony by Meysamkhr or Better Locational Damage by Zzyxzz is enough to instantly cripple your legs. Generating this much ammunition will result in instant encumbrance. When playing in Survival Mode (As I prefer), Ammo has weight. In game, bring up the console command by pressing the "~" key. Save the Notepad file as ammo in your Fallout 4 Directory.Ĭ:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4 Player.additem 001025aa 10000 Alien Blaster Round Other Player.additem 000df279 10000 Gamma Round Player.additem 000c1897 10000 Fusion Cell

Player.additem 00075fe4 10000 Fusion Core Player.additem 0001dbb7 10000 Plasma Cartridge

Player.additem 000c1897 10000 Energy Cell Player.additem 000caba3 10000 Missile Energy Player.additem 000fe269 10000 Railway spike Explosives Player.additem 0001f673 10000 Shotgun shell